Your Aid Delivered for #Love4Lesvos!
Just got back! Busy and productive day starting at Aldi as soon as it opened to buy more toiletries. Then a good two hours at the...

Fresh start!
Firstly, I must apologise for how rubbish I have been at keeping this website up to date! LE Solidarity is a grassroots collective of...
Conquering Duvet Mountain!
Thank you so much to all the volunteers who spent the day with us in the warehouse sorting clothes and making up winter clothing packs...

LESolidarity on BBC Radio Leicester
Off the back of their Leicester Hero Awards, Sophie and Becky, LE Solidarity founders will be on BBC radio Leicester tomorrow *Thursday...

New Website!!
Well, here we have it folks! Finally a new, more streamlined website to help us coordinate our efforts and share information of what LE...