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Lend a Hand...

Donate your time

We have a phenomenal bunch of volunteers who regularly give up their time in the warehouse to sort items and make up packs for our projects. If you would like to give up your time to help, and meet a wide and varied bunch of wonderful people, then the best place to go is our facebook page, from where we co-ordinate all of our projects. Feel free to join our group and let us know you would like to get involved!


Alternatively, you can drop us a line through our contact page.

Donate Items For Our Appeals

We re constantly collecting items for, and complete hygiene packs to send to refugees across the globe.


We also regularly have large scale collections for specific items for containers to go out to the most stricken areas, where refugees and people trying to escape war are hardest hit.


To see what items we currently need please see our campaigns page or join our facebook group.

Be a Funder

Donate Money

While we manage to get by on very little funding, there are some things we DO need to fundraise for. Items for incomplete packs need to be bought, specific emergeny needs met, and sometimes a call goes out that needs answering.


We usually set up specific crowd funders for specific campaigns.


Currently we are fundraising to by children's winter coats and underwear to complete the children's winter packs to go out to Lebanon at the end of the month.


© 2018 By LE Solidarity

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